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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Unusual (at least for me) using of orchids (Part 3)

Catasetum barbatum
USES: Whole plant: Decoction washed on the body for a febrifuge by the French Guiana Wayapi.

Epidendrum paniculatum
NAME: FG Wayapi: kwata alapalu.
USES: Same use as given for Catasetum barbatum.

Rodriguezia lanceolata
USES: Same use as given for Catasetum barbatum.

Vanilla pompona
NAMES: Guyana: West Indian vanilla. Surinam: bana banirie, baniri, vanille.
USES: Fruit: In Surinam, fermented fruit is made into vanilla crystals which are put into carapa oil (Carapa guianensis). For poor blood circulation, skin conditions.
