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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Paphiopedilum primulinum album

Paphiopedilum primulinum album is blooming now.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Mmm! Delicious orchids!

- Do you like orchids?
- Yes, I do! Their are so yummy!

If you want to try something new (e.g. for dinner), try orchids. What is about the salad made from fresh leaves of Anoectochilus sp.? If you prefer spicy food, try new seasoning for rice - cooked Dendrobium salaccense. Do you hate potatoes? No problem, think about tubers of Gastrodia sp. Also, you can try to prepare the dinner from tubers of Disa sp., Satyrium sp, Neobolusia tysonii, or Eulophia sp.

Bon Appétit!

Unusual (at least for me) using of orchids (Part 2)

Couple more orchids:

  • Bletia purpurea - tubers decoction: used to cure poisoning from fish
  • Oberonia anceps - plant: as poultice to treat boils

Monday, December 17, 2007

Unusual (at least for me) using of orchids (Part 1)

Everybody knows orchids as the beautiful flowering plants, but orchids also can be a cure. Here is the most complete list of orchids which used as medications ever:

  • Acampe papillosa - roots: used for rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, syphilis and uterine diseases
  • Acampe praemorsa - roots: used for treating rheumatism
  • Aerides crispum - powdered, boiled in neem oil, and filtered plant: used to cure earache
  • Aerides odorata - the ground fruits: used for healing wounds; leaf juice: used to heal boils in ears and nose
  • Anoectochilus formosanus - plant: used for hypertension, lung and liver diseases and cancer
  • Anoectochilus regalis - stems and leaves: ingredients in certain medicinal oils
  • Arundina graminifolia - scrapped stems: applied on heels to treat cracks
  • Bletilla striata - roots: (as ingredient) used to promote stomach and duodenal health
  • Calanthe sylvatica - flowers: used to stop nose bleeding
  • Calanthe triplicata - roots: ingredient of local medicine to treat swollen hands; with
    other ingredients, chewed for diarrhea; flowers: applied as a painkiller at caries; pseudobulbs: used for gastrointestinal disorders
  • Cephalanthera longifolia - roots and rhizome: used as a tonic
  • Coelogyne ovalis - plant: used for cough, urinary infections and eye disorders
  • Corymborkis veratrifolia - leaf juice: used to treat fever in children
  • Crepidium acuminatum - stems: as component used for sperm formation increase
  • Cremastra appendiculata - roots: used for toothache and as emollient; tubers: used for abscesses, scrofula, and freckles and as an antidote to snakebite
  • Cymbidium aloifolium - ground plant: with ginger used to induce vomiting and diarrhea, to cure chronic illness, weakness of the eyes, vertigo and paralysis; used as an ingredient of oil to cure benign and malignant tumors
  • Cymbidium hookerianum - seeds: applied on cuts and injuries as a hemostatic
  • Dendrobium densiflorum - leaves: (crushed with salt) applied on fractured area to set
  • Dendrobium jenkinsii - stems: used in preparation of Chinese drug Shih-hu
  • Dendrobium ovatum - stem juice: used on patients suffering from constipation and stomachache
  • Dendrobium nobile - stems: used in preparation of Chinese drug Shih-hu for longevity and as an aphrodisiac, stomachic, and analgesic
  • Dienia muscifera - tubers decoction: used as tonic to strengthen kidneys
  • Echioglossum williamsoni - leaf juice: applied to cure swellings of hands and legs and bone fractures
  • Eulophia nuda - plant: used as an appetizer and for treating tumors and bronchitis
  • Eria pannea - roots and leaves decoction: used in bathing in cases of ague
  • Flickingeria nodosa - plant: used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and throat infections
  • Gastrodia elata - tubers: used to cure liver diseases, headache, migraine, vertigo, convulsion, epilepsy, and cramps
  • Goodyera repens - roots and leaves: used for female disorders, stomach and bladder diseases; chewed leaves: applied to reptile bites; mashed leaves: used to prevent rash in infants
  • Goodyera schlectandaliana - plant: used as tincture in rice wine to apply as a tonic for internal injuries and to improve blood circulation
  • Gymnadenia orchidis - tubers: ingredient of salep that used as aphrodisiac and tonic
  • Habenaria diphylla - flowers: used to cure asthma
  • Habenaria species - plant: ingredient of tonics to treat unconsciousness and as blood purifiers, especially Habenaria acuminata
  • Limodorum spathulatum - flowers: used to cure asthma
  • Malaxis rheedei - plant: used as a tonic and as an ingredient of a medications with immense therapeutic value
  • Nervilia aragoana - plant: used to cure eye infections
  • Phaius tancarvilleae - pseudobulbs: used to heal swellings of hands and legs and as a poultice to soothe pain of abscess
  • Pholidota chinensis - pseudobulbs: (as aqueous extract) taken for scrofula, feverish stomachache, and toothache; as a tincture used for internal bleeding, hemorrhage,
    asthmatic cough, tuberculosis, and dysentery
  • Pholidota imbricata - pseudobulbs: (macerated in mustard oil) applied on joints for
    rheumatic pains
  • Pleione maculata - pseudobulbs: used to cure liver complaints and stomachache
  • Ponerorchis chusua - tubers: used for diarrhea, dysentery and chronic fever
  • Rhynchostylis retusa - roots: used for rheumatism; plant: used against asthma, tuberculosis, nervous twitchings, cramps, infantile epilepsy, vertigo, palpitation,
    kidney stone, and menstrual disorders
  • Satyrium nepalense - tubers: eaten for malaria, dysentery, also used as an aphrodisiac
  • Spathoglottis plicata - plant decoction: used for rheumatism and as a poultice
  • Tropidia curculioides - plant decoction: given for cold stage of malaria; roots decoction: given for diarrhoea
  • Vanda coerulea - leaf juice: used to treat diarrhea and dysentery, also used as an external application for skin diseases
  • Zeuxine strateumatica - tubers: used as a tonic in combination with the roots of Cymbidium aloifolium
Used source: click here
Photos: click here